Monday, September 3, 2012

Call For Submissions: Love Your Rebellion, Issue #3

Submissions will be accepted for Fall 2012 from 9/15/2012 -- 11/1/2012

Seeking Online and Print Contributors
Feminism, Sex positivity, Body positivity, LBGTQ, Issues of Race and Class

Creative Writing * Essays * Interviews * Music & Book Reviews * Visual Art

You may submit:
·         Poetry – 3 pages
·         Short Story – 1000 words, max
·         Flash Fiction – 250 words, max
·         Memior – 1000 words, max
·         Feminist Theory or Criticism – 1000 words, max
·         Music Reviews – 500 words, max
·         Graphic Art:
o   Comic – No more than 3 cells
o   Collage -- Single page
o   Photography – 3 photos, max
o   Graphic Art -- Single page

Guidelines for Email Submissions

In the email subject line: Print, Online, or Print/Online; Author Name; Genre

Print and Online:
·         Please write in the body of the email: name, address, phone number, e-mail address, title of piece, and 50-word maximum third-person bio.
·         Text: Times New Roman, 12-point font, standard one-inch margins, attach to email.
·         Title: Place on page that text begins. No page numbers and no name anywhere on the text.
·         Attach .doc or .docx only.
·         Prose: 1.5 space.
·         Poetry: single space.
·         Feminist cricism/theory must site sources if sources are used.
·         Sources must be sited in MLA format.

Graphic Art:
·         Please write in the body of the email: name, address, phone number, e-mail address, title of piece, and 50-word maximum third-person bio.
·         The attached image must be a minimum of 300 dpi. Scan image if needed, but please, 300dpi minimum.
·         All graphic art must be submitted in .JPEG extension only.

 Send to:

**You may submit to more than one genre.
**Only one submission per genre, please.
**Please send a separate email per submission.
**Not every genre will be featured in every issue, but we will be sure to let you know if your work has been chosen for a later issue, or online publication.
**Online contributors may be asked to publish on a continuing basis.
**Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please let us know if you have been accepted elsewhere.
**At this time we are not offering financial compensation, but published authors will receive a discounted price on purchasing the zine.
**We encourage submissions from all over the world, but text must be written in English.
**Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for a response. 
**Anything received after the submission deadline will not be considered for publication. 
**Anything that does not follow the submission guidelines will not be considered for publication.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Love Your Rebellion, Issue #2

Love Your Rebellion, Issue #2 is here!

The second issue includes insurgent free verse from Melissa Kiguwa, passionate prose poetry from Amanda Miller, sensual graphic art from Shay, an essay on women in grunge from editor Angela Page, and cover art by Candice Borden!